Following on from the last Team Chariot blog, here’s part 2 – the practical stuff
You may ask:– But, what do you wear? How do you train for an OCR? Do you take a coat? Obstacles, what if I can’t do them? – Check out some Team Chariot thoughts & experience.
Training & prep:
Physical Training: Lots of Cardio – jogging, skipping, swimming etc. Core strength – upper body, hand grip, flexibility, co-ordination, balance. All building you to be able to endure physically.
Outdoor training: Mud, hills, uneven terrain, all weathers. Crawl under fallen trees, fences, garden chairs etc. After a muddy wet training session, use a hose pipe to clean yourself down, fully clothed …. but outside!
Cleaning your kit: Clothing – Wash off any mud via a hose pipe or bucket of water BEFORE you put anything in the washing machine. Footwear – hose off mud, turn upside down & allow to dry naturally (ie. no electric heat).
Mental training: Build on stamina, endurance and perseverance. Develop self belief, optimism, team work and personal pace. Ability to visualise past an obstacle. And believe it or not, a sense of humour and acceptance of yourself is also very useful. You don’t have to be an athlete!! Remember that.
Food and nutrition: Partly depends on diet, allergies etc. However, normally: Natural foods – fruit, veg, eggs, nuts, spuds, oats, meats. Also pasta, cheese & wholemeal bread are ok. Processed extras (in moderation): quick fix – chocolate, jelly sweets. Drinks: Water, milk, tea/coffee etc. Personal choice – avoid energy drinks, gels, or supplements.
What to wear:
For training & the Tough Mudder route: Trail running shoes, running socks with padding, shorts or running leggings (not cotton), T-shirt (ideally not cotton), gloves (thin with rubber palm). If wearing glasses, poss use contact lenses, head strap or swimming goggles over glasses. Underwear – men: supportive briefs or boxers. Ladies: sports bra and supportive T-shirt (not cotton).
After you finish Tough Mudder route: – back at the car: Clean stuff – Warm dry loose fitting clothing, socks, underwear & towel. Food: easy to eat decent food, chocolate, warm drink (not too hot).
At the Tough Mudder event: Team Chariot experience. Check with actual Tough Mudder website for any updates
Tough Mudder event Personal stuff: Toilet: go properly before you get to site. Toilets and showers may be on site but there will be long queues. Belongings: keep it in one bag. There’s normally a bag drop before the route.
Tough Mudder event Admin: Participant Ticket, parking ticket, spectator ticket, bag drop ticket. Car park: normally several, up to ½ mile away. Arrive on site at least 1hr before your start time (you will be given a start time 1 week or so before the event date). Drinks and food can be expensive on site so take your own.
Tough Mudder Spectators: No spectators are allowed on the actual route. Spectator standing points and locations will be marked alongside the route.
Tough Mudder Photos: Tough Mudder’s own photographers will be given priority. Spectators can take photos, but participants can’t pose on top of obstacles. All photos need to be taken on the move.
Some FAQ’s:
Q1. Will I get muddy & wet? A: Hopefully. But it will be fun & exciting! Honest!
Q2. Will I be forced to repeat any obstacles I fail? A: No. You only get one shot (pass or fail).
Q3. Can my partner / trainer help me over obstacles? A: Only if they purchase a participant ticket too.
Q4. Are drinks provided on route? A: Normally yes, but only water.
Q5. Should I wear a coat if it’s cold weather? A: No. You’ll be cold to start with, but then hot/cold/wet/dry after that.
Q6. Spectators, should they bring a coat? A: Yes. Depending on weather, they’ll probably get very cold waiting for you.
Q7. I’m used to running on my own. Will there be many people on route? A: Hopefully. But don’t be put off by the thousands that take part.
Q8. Is there really a death waiver? A: Yes. But don’t die & you’ll be fine.
Q9. Can I take my headcam on route? A: Probably not. If it falls in a muddy puddle you won’t find it again.

Any more questions? Go to: